
A Field With Trees


A Field With Trees

This was taken on Mother's Day in Plainfield, Illinois at my mom's house. This is the field behind her backyard. Behind the trees lies a river that her two dogs, Cooper and Indy, love to swim in and get really muddy. There's a lot hidden in those trees. Hawks, owl, deer, poison ivy, dogs, fire pits and long ago days hiding in the trees when we weren't so old. I even spotted a giant eagle in the sky that day. An angry (and much smaller) hawk was chasing it through the open skies. Beautiful.

Brittiney's Beautiful Children (09/05/09)

A day spent running through the corn with Brittiney's kids. Ajna is a delight to photograph since he's really into the camera himself. (He takes some good pictures himself!) Arijah is wonderful too since he's so wide-eyed for the world and wants to explore everything. I hope you like the pictures. Note: These were already published on my Facebook, but I thought they might reach a wider audience here. I also spent a little more time editing them for this post.









Click through to see more adorable pictures of Ajna and Arijah, as well as a different version of one of the above pictures.